The AA community has spoken and has given Jamaal Charles the nickname, Haley’s Comet. Not everyone loves it but hey, there are worse nicknames out there…*COUGH…ORTON….NECKBEARD…COUGH!
Every good nickname needs a logo…er, at least at AA they do. I made a call earlier for some Haley’s Comet logos and we got a few in.
We are going to have a vote to decide our favorite. Right now I have 3 and I am going to post them so you can start thinking about it. This is also a last call, in case anyone out there is working on one but hasn’t sent it in yet. We will have the vote sometime this weekend or early next. Have a look at what we have so far:
I gave each one a “name” so it would be easier for you to identify them when we vote later this weekend.
Anyone else wishing to throw their hat in the ring may do so by sending entries to
Special thanks to Kevin W. and Joe R. for the early submissions. They are all great but there can be only one. =)