Alright, maybe it won’t be officially be official but it will be official around here and you know how these things can spread.
Reader Lenny, (who I am still convinced is really Len Dawson and he has yet to contradict that statement so I am ruling that it is fact until further notice) brought up this topic in the Addict Posts Forum. Check out the Addict Posts here.
(Have your own blog on AA in the Addict Posts!! You may just see your work on the front page)
Lenny thinks, and I agree, that Jamaal Charles needs, nay, DEMANDS a “bad-ass nickname.”
Here is what Lenny came up with:
"-Red Jesus (I know the Jesus nicknames are kinda played out, this is probably my least) favorite, though it works well since his initials are JC)-The Flash (both wear red and gold, both have superhuman speed, I think it works well)-The Red October (doesn’t make as much since as the flash, but you gotta admit, Red October would be a bad-ass nickname)"
I would say, of Lenny’s ideas, I like The Flash the best. This could lead to a custom made Jamaal jersey with the flash symbol and #25, which I think would be sweet.
While we are at it, we should probably come up with a nickname for the Thomas Jones/Jamaal Charles combo as well.
So let’s hear it Addicts, give us your best Jamaal Charles and Jamaal Charles/Thomas Jones nicknames and we’ll have us a vote. Enter as many times as you like.