"“In the NFL, you get paid to get interceptions. I wasn’t really coached to do that at USC,” he said.With his former coach in Austin attending Texas’ pro day, Mays admitted his pre-draft routine is the opposite of how he was treated as a top player in high school.“Man, when I was recruited, they were loving me up and telling me everything in the world. Now, they killing me,” he said with a laugh.Mays has meetings scheduled with the Browns on Thursday, the Chiefs on Sunday, then on to Cincinnati, but has not decided if he will travel to New York City for the Draft."
Interesting to see the Chiefs looking at Mays. He is projected as a late round pick in the 1st. I guess the Chiefs need to look at all their options, just in case Mays slides to them in the 2nd round and Berry isn’t available or they don’t take him. Of all the players coming out of college, I am probably most interested to see what kind of career Mays has. He is incredibly gifted physically and has all the tools to be an amazing safety. I will be interested to see if he can rise above his question marks and become a Pro Bowler or if he will become just another athletic bust.
What do you think, Addicts? If the Chiefs don’t take Berry and Mays is there in the 2nd round, would you want KC to take a chance on him?