Jack Harry And The Worst Kind Of Reporting
Jack Harry; Windbag
I understand the need for entertainment in the news. I understand about commercials and sponsorship and that the news is a business not a public service. Jason Whitlock has made a career out of stirring the proverbial pot as have many other sports writers and reporters. That is fine by me. There is something out there for everyone and everyone deserves a voice. I also understand that as far as the sports media is concerned it is way more interesting to be against your subject than for it. Spreading discontent gives a reporter a much longer stride than spreading logic and understanding. When the team is losing and the people are angry it is best to be a champion of the angry, right?
Well just because I understand the Jack Harrys and Jason Whitlocks of the world doesn’t mean I’m not going to take them to task when they do something stupid. I hate to give any legs to this but I’d rather give Harry a good flogging than let him get away with absurd and sensationalistic reporting.
There are so many things wrong with that video. First of all, Harry provides no evidence that any of this is even true. He doesn’t even show us the email but keeps the camera firmly on his grumpy, Grinch-like face. Along with that, he seems to think that the report will somehow be more interesting if he screams the entire time. Words aren’t enough for the home audience, folks. Screaming is the sure way to make your point. He ends it with a nice flourish, pointing his finger at your face and declaring “That’s Jack’s Smack.”
After watching that video, don’t you kind of want to smack Jack back?
First of all, Jack, proof usually goes a long way in helping to prove your point. Now Jack mentions that the fan wished to remain anonymous, alluding to the fact that he does business with the Chiefs. I guess that business is important to the fan or he wouldn’t be hiding under the cover of Jack’s waving finger and booming voice.
Jack also claims that Haley allegedly flipping him the bird didn’t particularly offend the fan. It just offended him enough to run home and write to the press and then follow it up with a one-page rant about how long he has been a Chiefs fan and how offended he was.
Harry goes on to mention that the guy doesn’t drink at Chiefs games, not because he doesn’t drink but because he can’t afford the high prices. He points out that the fan wasn’t some drunken buffoon, yelling at the players and coaches but just a sober buffoon, yelling at the players and coaches. Harry says the fan feels he has the right to yell at the coaches and players as he pays so much money for tickets and essentially, pays the coaches salary. I would venture to guess that Clark Hunt would argue that he is the one who pays Todd Haley’s salary. In fact, if we follow Mr. Harry’s logic, considering that the fan does business with the Chiefs, it seems Clark Hunt pays a portion of the fan’s salary as well. Does that mean Mr. Harry thinks it would be all right for Clark Hunt to venture over to “Mystery Fans” house and yell at him while he is trying to mow the lawn?
Harry further shows his professionalism by making no mention of any attempt to allow Todd Haley to respond to the allegations of the “Mystery Fan.” I’m not saying Haley did or did not flip the fan off but, as a reporter, if Mr. Harry is going to tell one side of the story, one would think it would be prudent to tell the other. Ah, yea but I forgot. It is best to be a champion of the angry.
If Haley did give a fan the finger than he should be punished. He is an authority figure for the Kansas City Chiefs and he has to represent the team with class and dignity. He needs to get a better handle on his emotions and it seems he has been making strides to do that on the sidelines recently. Haley needs to carry that control with him everywhere and I think we would all agree with that.
That being said, what did the fan expect? If I write an article one day stating that I think Todd Haley needs to be fired from his job, I have the right to do that. Haley, in turn, has the perfect right to be cold to me should we ever meet. Why would he be all chummy to a guy calling for him to lose his job? However, if I take my displeasure with Haley so far as to get in his face and scream that I think he should be fired, I would expect nothing less than to be hit in the mouth. I’m not saying it would be OK for Haley to do something like that but I couldn’t say I’d blame him. If someone walked into my office and yelled in my face, I might have a hard time not punching them out, much less flipping them the bird.
The cherry on the disgruntled fan’s sundae is that he and Harry are getting after Haley for potentially losing his temper. However, when Harry explains why the fan yelled to Haley’s face that he should be fired, a serious thing to say to someone in any environment, Harry justifies the fan’s action by claiming that another season of losing had “finally got to the him.” What do you think Harry means by “finally got to him.” Perhaps that watching the Chiefs lose caused the fan to lose his temper?
Win or lose the fans should try to conduct themselves with the same amount of class they expect to receive from the Kansas City Chiefs players and staff. If the fan wants to dish it out than he should be prepared to take it as well, which he obviously isn’t.
As for Mr. Harry, if he would like a forum to explain his contradiction riddle rant and his lack of explanation as to why he did not extend an offer to Haley to respond, we will certainly provide him the opportunity to respond here on Arrowhead Addict.
Stay Classy Kansas City.