Week 9 Predictions: Packers @ Chiefs


Adam Best – A good portion of the pundits out there are wearing Favre goggles when it comes to today’s game. Is it a nice story? Yes. Does he have a tiny bit of extra motivation today to beat the Chiefs since he never, ever has? No, not really. How could Favre possibly get more up for games then he already does? And unlike Denver, we actually have something that resembles a defense. Honestly, I’m not so sure that both Chump Bailey and Dre’ Bly haven’t lost a step as well — it isn’t just Pat and Ty.

Plus, just because I’m starting Ryan Grant as my RB3 in one of my leagues doesn’t mean I think he’s going to have a great day. Denver’s defense is atrocious. They are essentially the worst rushing defense in the league, and over the past five weeks the passing defense has been putrid as well. Check the stats.

I also know how poorly teams that are on road the for Monday Night football and then play again on the road the following Sunday often fare. That paired with the hot streak we’re on, the rest and extra preparation the bye week provided, and the Arrowhead homefield advantage? It’s over. I also think the Packers might be a bit complacent at 6-1, and especially since they’ve already earned a split on this Denver-K.C. road trip.

The Chiefs go to work today and win somewhat decisively — Chiefs 23, Packers 13.

(By the way, the Pats are going to take it to the Colts and our guy the One Man Gang will add two stripes to his hair after today’s game)

Chris WebbIn an effort to heighten the sophistication of Arrowhead Addict subscribers, all remaining game predictions by CWebb, an English Education major, will be provided in some form of classic poetry. Today: the Shakespearean Sonnet.

November brings the Packers into town
Where they must face a streaking KC team.
With e’ry pass or rush short on third down,
The faithful fans in Arrowhead will scream.

Sir Favre has torched the corners in his time,
Yet lacks a running game for him to boot.
With OMG and Tamba on the line,
Three interceptions this poet will suit.

The Chiefs’ offense has struggled much this year,
But now, should better run with two star backs.
No need for Bowe to catch more than 5 near,
‘Cuz Priest is warm and LJ leads attack.

Behind at first, yet comeback at the end,
The Chiefs defense again, no break, just bend.
Chiefs 19, Green Bay 13.

Zach – I hate missing this game, I really do (damn graduate classes on Saturdays and a final due on Monday). Thanks professors! I have never seen Favre in real-life and probably will never get too. I also will never get to see him beat the Chiefs, which is fine with me. Favre’s chance was back in 2003 when Ahman Green fumbled his opportunity away in overtime and Trent Green hooked up with Eddie Kennison for an overtime TD. What a game that was! Green Bay got a big win in Denver and it will be nearly impossible for them to come into Arrowhead and steal another. Chiefs win in a close one, 23-17. (Jared Allen will get a Favre autograph, but I have a feeling Ty Law might only get burnt.)

Bankmeister – No way does Favre retire having defeated the Chiefs. His old ass gets sacked three times; he leaves Arrowhead with moldy cheese. Chiefs 20, GB 14.

Chris (from NicePickCowher.com) – I like Bret Favre and all but after last Monday night, I hope they never show another Green Bay game as long as Favre is there. It’s like they’re trying to make me hate him with the endless praise and the Deanna Favre love poem that almost sent me into a diabetic coma. I think I threw up in my mouth a little when Berman said a few Sundays ago, “You can’t hate Brett Favre, it’s like hating America!” Well, I love America. I love apple pie. I even voted for Lynn Swann. So I’m picking the Pack.