One staff writer’s 10-game film study delivers some surprising findings about quarterback prospect Patrick Mahomes.
With the 2017 NFL Draft just five weeks away, the time has come for me to discuss opening round options for the Kansas City Chiefs. One prospect who’s been bandied as a candidate for their 27th selection is Texas Tech quarterback Patrick Mahomes. When the offseason began, he was atop my personal big board.
Earlier this week, I completed a ten-game film study of Mahomes. During that time, I watched every snap he took in games against Louisiana Tech, West Virginia, Arizona State, Oklahoma, Baylor, Kansas, Oklahoma State, Texas Christian, Texas and Kansas State. For all of my peers in the blogosphere, I’ll offer you some free advice: Don’t try digesting that volume of game tape in one sitting. It was a near five-hour affair. Upon completion, I had nine full pages of notes.
The most interesting part of this journey is how my opinion of Mahomes changed during the course of my study. I came in with the expectation that the tape would simply confirm that which I already suspected about him. Much to my chagrin, it did quite the opposite. The NFL Combine often makes a statement about a player. The film room either substantiates the claims made by the measurable or poses a counter argument. Today, we’ll find out exactly what happened following my analysis, in the case of one Pat Mahomes.