Welcome To Disqus

I am excited to announce that Arrowhead Addict is testing out a new commenting system called Disqus. We’ve tried Disqus before and at the time, the vote seemed to be that Livefyre was a little bit better. Recently, Disqus has launched an updated version that I feel is much more user-friendly and less buggy.

I know it is a pain for you all to have to make a switch to a new platform. Disqus offers social media login, but if you aren’t on social media, you can sign up for a Disqus account. I am also hoping that this new system enables some of you to who have not been able to log in to Livefyre at work to get on and comment.

I’ve been presented with the opportunity to move commenting platforms but I was hesitant to make the move for fear of inconveniencing the community. After checking out this new system, however, I felt it was worth a try. Disqus has some really cool features that I think will help grow and enrich the AA community. I apologize for any convenience and I urge you to dive in and give it a try. The community function, in particular, is really cool.

You can also check out this link for a quick snapshot of the what new system offers. Thanks for your understanding and as always, thanks for supporting Arrowhead Addict!
